Monday, 6 June 2011

Sustainability Made Simple

Large scale sustainable practices are extremely difficult to gain support for and implement.

Are you wondering what you can do in your everyday life to help protect the planet's future?

The California Academy of Sciences has produced a set of suggestions of everyday choices we can make to make a difference. The document is broken up into home, transport and food.  Each section has an easy, medium and difficult range of solutions to diffuse the problems the planet is facing.

Documents such as these would be incredibly effective in educating the public about simple measures they can take to help the environment in ways they may not have thought of before.  The government needs to fund the spreading of information on these issues such as this document, to begin to make real changes.

Sustainability can also be marketed to the public by way of advertising. This was successfully achieved by New Zealand banking company Westpac who released a serious of advertisements on sustainability.  The company most likely had an alterer motive of gaining more clients through becoming sustainable and 'green', however it is still a step in the right direction, providing information to the general public about sustainability.

If Westpac can do it, why can't the government? A 30 second ad in prime-time TV would surely get the message across...

In the space of a 1 minute ad, they cover waste reduction, pollution issues, the importance of volunteer work and reducing power. Another interesting point to note is that the information is coming from a child that has learnt about sustainability at school.  It is the children that are concerned, and the adults that aren't doing anything to stop it. Here one of the Westpac sustainability advertisements:

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